Let the sunshine in: how a coal region in North Macedonia can switch to sustainable heating
December 21, 2022
The government in North Macedonia wants to link the 40 year old REK Bitola power plant to the regional heating system. But cementing the dependence on fossil fuels would be reckless. Instead, a new study finds that fitting houses in Bitola with air conditioning and solar panels could keep people warm, cut air pollution and even shield against increasingly volatile energy prices. Such households forming energy communities, the study shows, could not only lower initial investments but even generate them some income.
Alarmantna zagađenost vazduha štetnom prašinom u Stanarima
September 17, 2019
Alarmantna zagađenost vazduha štetnom prašinom u Stanarima
Stanovnici Stanara se guše: Enormna zagađenost zraka
September 17, 2019
U Stanarima postoje alarmantne satne vrijednosti štetnih čestica prašine u zraku – pokazali su nezavisna mjerenja kvaliteta zraka, navodi se u izvještaju organizacije CEE Bankwatch koji je urađen u saradnji sa Centrom za životnu sredinu
Alarmantne vrijednosti čestica prašine u Stanarima
September 17, 2019
Rezultati nezavisnog mjerenja kvaliteta zraka u Stanarima od jula ove godine pokazuju alarmantne satne vrijednosti štetnih čestica prašine u zraku koji dolaze iz neposredne blizine rudnika i termoelektrane, zaključak je izvještaja organizacije CEE Bankwatch rađenog u partnerstvu sa Centrom za životnu sredinu.
Загађени ваздух узрок 136 смртних случајева у Тузли
June 26, 2019
Праг – Загађење ваздуха прашином у Тузли током прошле године било је дупло веће од дозвољеног и изазвало је више од стотину пријевремених смртних случајева, наведено је у најновијем извјештају под називом “Подизање смога”.
Gacko: if only the laws were as strong as the air pollution
January 16, 2018
Gacko, Bosnia-Herzegovina, is home to a coal power plant and an open cast mine and it has a serious smog problem. But you wouldn’t know it from official measurements because the local air quality rules are uniquely lax, and there are no publicly available, official measurements.
[Campaign update] Independent monitoring shows massive air pollution near Bosnian lignite plant
October 28, 2016
Air pollution in the town of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina was above legally allowed limits on twelve of 20 consecutive days as measurements made by Bankwatch and the Tuzla-based environmental group Center for Ecology and Energy show.
The hefty health toll of coal burning in the Western Balkans – and what is not being done about it
March 16, 2016
While the Energy Community yesterday failed to consider more stringent air pollution rules for the Western Balkans, a new report quantifies the health costs of the region’s coal burning both within the region itself as well as in the neighbouring European Union.
Balkan protests show need for more EU action on air pollution – new analyses
February 29, 2016
Thousands of people took to the streets of Skopje, Pljevlja, Tuzla and other cities across the Western Balkans in December to demand action on chronic air pollution plaguing their communities. A new briefing shows that to a large degree these recurring smog incidents are the result of national authorities’ protracted inaction. Yet, air quality could be dramatically improved if two EU directives are transposed into the Energy Community Treaty, according to two legal analyses also released today.