Clearcutting chaos: A bumpy ride for Estonia’s conservation areas
April 15, 2024
Rail Baltica, the ambitious railway project set to connect the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania as part of Europe’s modern rail network, promises to boost regional development and integration. However, despite assurances of habitat protection and compensation measures during the construction of Rail Baltica, recent revelations on clearcutting in protected areas have exposed longstanding issues with Estonian forests. The case also highlights the broader challenges faced by nature when economic development takes precedence and the need for proper environmental safeguards against economic interests.
Manifesto: A call for the next European Parliament and Commission to deliver the transformative investments citizens deserve
March 26, 2024
The proposals outlined in this manifesto guide our vision for how EU public finances can become more transformative.
Led by nature: Projects to protect and restore biodiversity in Europe
March 22, 2024
These case studies from several European Member States demonstrate some of the many ways EU funds can and should be used to support nature restoration and conservation projects, which are instrumental to addressing the biodiversity crisis across sectors while also building a greener, fairer future.
The Wisłoka: Overcoming barriers on a Polish river
March 8, 2024
This case study highlights the Wisłoka Without Barriers project, a sustainable approach to river continuity that led to the removal of barriers, allowing aquatic organisms to swim freely once again.
Needs and priorities for biodiversity funding: a comparative analysis of Latvia and Estonia
February 22, 2024
This briefing provides an overview of the priorities for national biodiversity needs in Latvia and Estonia.
Recommendations on how to determine the contribution of EU funds for biodiversity
January 31, 2024
This briefing aims to demonstrate the need to ensure a greater and more accurate amount of funding is channelled to the right areas, as well as to explore potential alternatives ahead of the next EU budget.
The Tisza–Túr reservoir: restoring habitats to help farmers adapt to floods and drought
December 20, 2023
This case study demonstrates the Tisza–Túr flood reservoir which uses controlled flooding and draining methods, and serves the dual purpose of preventing both floods and drought.
Lessons from the ground: application of the ‘do no significant harm’ principle under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
December 20, 2023
This briefing outlines the key barriers preventing a more successful application of the ‘do no significant harm’ principle, based on ongoing experience under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and provides recommendations for improvement.
A truly nature friendly investment – support for the development of Blooming meadows
December 18, 2023
This case study demonstrates a new pilot programme which is designed specifically to help these grasslands and the landowners managing them.
Protecting the biodiversity of Estonia’s agricultural landscapes
December 6, 2023
The case study demonstrates some of the many ways EU funds can and should be used to support nature restoration and conservation projects. These are instrumental to address the biodiversity crisis across sectors.