Unmasking the biomass dilemma in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
January 17, 2025
As EU law regulating bioenergy is not yet sufficient to avoid climate and nature damage, this briefing outlines why forest biomass needs to be treated with caution in the Western Balkans.
Environmental NGOs demand halt to KfW controversial biomass investments in Serbia
July 29, 2024
41 environmental organisations from the Western Balkans, Germany, and across Europe have called on German state-owned development bank KfW to stop financing wood biomass energy in Serbia in order to avoid forest degradation risks and locking Serbia into further dependency on high-carbon energy sources.[1]
The EBRD must stay away from the unsustainable conversion of Tuzla’s coal plant and prioritise renewables in the district heating sector
November 9, 2022
This briefing offers an overview of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) ongoing assessment of whether to grant a EUR 50 million loan in order to replace unit 3 of the Tuzla coal plant with a waste and biomass incineration syst
Red flags over plans to swap coal for biomass and waste incineration in Tuzla
September 8, 2022
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s energy utility Elektroprivreda BiH are signing today an agreement formalizing the Bank’s commitment to consider financial support for a particularly questionable energy project in Tuzla. But the public is barely aware of what this risky investment could bring to local communities.
Kovačević: Zamjena uglja šumskom biomasom za grijanje je opasna zelena iluzija
July 22, 2022
Kako je energetska tranzicija uveliko u toku, a kraj ere uglja jasno na vidiku, grijanje na biomasu postepeno postaje favorit za vlade na …
Bankwatch Network: Енергията от отпадъци наравно с енергия от възобновяеми източници крие рискове в Директивата за енергийна ефективност
June 22, 2022
Енергията от отпадъци да е взаимозаменяема с енергията от възобновяеми източници крие рискове в Директивата за енергийна ефективност. Това …
Estonia is beginning to see the cost of wood pellets. Is North Carolina next?
December 2, 2019
Turning ancient forests into wood pellets is putting the country’s tourism and climate commitments at risk. Estonia is beginning to see the cost of wood pellets. Is North Carolina next?
A false solution to a real problem?
June 14, 2019
New research by Bankwatch shows energy and climate plans (NECPs) in 7 CEE countries over-rely on unsustainable biomass to reach their renewable energy objectives.
Analysis of biomass in NECPs
June 14, 2019
This publication analyses the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) in Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia and these countries’ measures to support forms of wood biomass. The majority of these countries plan logging an
Slovakia’s EU presidency: a chance to improve European biomass regulations
May 30, 2016
In its EU funds spending plans, Slovakia has shown commendable dedication to making bioenergy more sustainable. Taking over the EU presidency in June, it will have a unique chance to apply its expertise to improve European regulations on biomass.