Moment of truth for EU as over one million people and 100 NGOs call for green, healthy and just recovery
May 14, 2020
Over one million people and 100 environmental NGOs across Europe are calling on the European Union to restart its economy by launching the biggest green investment plan the world has ever seen, financed by the bloc’s increased budget and recovery instrument. Tomorrow [Friday], MEPs will decide what they want in the EU’s Recovery Fund and seven-year budget ahead of the European Commission’s much awaited proposal next week.
The Commission must stay strong on EU sustainable investment criteria as they become law
April 24, 2020
As the European Commission moves to legislate on criteria regulating what can be defined as sustainable investments, Bankwatch warns that activities such as waste incineration, gas combustion and nuclear energy must not be allowed to sneak in at the last minute.
Wither the money: Czechia must make better use of EU funding to meet EU climate goals
April 22, 2020
On 29 April the European Commission will unveil an updated proposal for the EU’s next long-term budget for 2021-2027, which makes it a good time to evaluate to what extent the current budget is contributing to decarbonisation efforts across Member States.
Programm zum Discountpreis
February 20, 2020
Die EU-Kommission plant eine grüne Revolution für den Klimaschutz. Aber frisches Geld für das Riesenvorhaben gibt es kaum.Source : Programm zum Discountpreis
Is The EU Budget Ready To Back The Green Deal?
February 20, 2020
Today member states’ leaders head to Brussels for a European Council meeting on the next long-term EU budget, amid pressures for an ambitious climate action. They are going through spending priorities, including the decarbonization of the economy and n
Kam odteka denar za okoljske ukrepe?
January 17, 2020
Termoelektrarna Kostolac je kljub obnovi ena največjih onesnaževalk.Source : Kam odteka denar za okoljske ukrepe?
Commission slammed as €100m approved for waste incinerators
January 15, 2020
The next EU budget should scrap climate and air quality harming investments, environmental campaigners have said, after the European Commission approved on Thursday Cohesion Fund aid of more than €100m to build two waste-to-energy incineration plants i
Governments required to make ‘just transition plans’ for funding
January 15, 2020
Member states will be required to draw up ‘just transition plans’ consistent with the EU’s climate goals in order to receive future funding to support fossil-fuel dependent regions under plans expected to be confirmed by the European Commission on Tues
EU to unveil trillion-euro ‘Green Deal’ financial plan
January 14, 2020
The European Commission will propose on Tuesday (14 January) how the EU can pay for shifting the region’s economy to net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 while protecting coal-dependent regions from taking the brunt of changes aimed at fighting climate chang
Wer zahlt das EU-Klimageld?
January 14, 2020
Die EU-Kommission hat ein Klima-Finanzpaket vorgestellt, um besonders den europäischen Kohleregionen beim Strukturwandel zu helfen – und sie will, dass die Mitgliedsstaaten dafür mehr Geld einzahlen als bisher. Die Bundesregierung ist dagegen. Source :