Castilla-La Mancha anuncia que subvencionará estaciones de servicio expendedoras de combustibles fósiles
January 30, 2019
La consejera castellano-manchega de Economía, Empresas y Empleo, Patricia Franco, anunció ayer que su gobierno va a subvencionar el establecimiento de puntos de repostaje de gas en la región (el gas natural es un combustible fósil, cuya extracción, transporte y quema produce emisiones de CO2 y otros gases de efecto invernadero, desencadenantes de cambio climático).
Čo sa stane, keď Slovensko prestane ťažiť hnedé uhlie
December 24, 2018
Viac, ako na podporu doťaženia míňajúceho sa fosílneho paliva, sa oplatí investovať do obnoviteľných zdrojov. Prinieslo by nám to úspory, ale i postavenie „trendsettera“ v oblasti čistej energie. Source: Čo sa stane, keď Slovensko prestane ťažiť hnedé
In Slovakia, a shining example of EU funds for renewables and families
December 11, 2018
There is a sad joke in Slovakia that the country could become a museum for renewable energy sources (RES). Not because the Slovak physicist Aurel Stodola invented in 1928 the world’s oldest heat pump that still powers Geneva’s city hall, but because of its antiquated energy policy that lacks systematic support for renewables at the local and national levels.
Romania’s energy transition: to be or not to be
November 1, 2018
Facing numerous economic and environmental challenges, Romania’s energy industry needs a coherent, sustainable and stable action plan that prioritises transparency in decision-making and consultation of all involved. On 17 October, to identify the necessary measures, Bankwatch Romania organised a workshop titled Opportunities for transition to clean energy in Romania.
EBRD – still fixated on gas despite IPCC warnings
October 15, 2018
In its new draft strategy for the energy sector, meant to guide the bank’s lending between 2019-2023, the EBRD gives too much prominence to gas as a so-called “bridging fuel” on the way to decarbonisation – much more prominence than is given to energy savings and even to sustainable renewables.
The EU’s house bank obstructs climate action with continued fossil fuels spending and lacking investment in sustainable energy – new report
September 6, 2018
Prague – A new Bankwatch analysis released today shows that in the years 2013-2017, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has invested EUR 18.4 billion in renewable energy projects in Europe and beyond, but at the same time handed out EUR 11.8 billion in EU public money to fossil fuels projects. The new report details a set of measures – including an unequivocal commitment to end support for fossil fuels – that can be introduced in the course of the upcoming review of the EIB’s energy strategy to ensure the world’s largest public lender facilitates the global effort to tackle the climate crisis, rather than hamper it.
Estonia’s dirty secret
July 25, 2018
Estonia is the second largest emitter of CO2 per capita in the European Union and by far the most carbon-intensive economy among the OECD countries. The reason for that is oil shale, sedimentary rock that has been mined in Estonia for electricity generation since the fifties and, since recently, have also been used for liquid diesel fuel production.
Momentum building in Latvia for transition to a low carbon economy and independence from Russia’s gas
July 24, 2018
On 12 July, Bankwatch member group in Latvia Green Liberty brought together a group of energy experts with Krisjanis Karins, a member of the European Parliament (MEP), to foster the energy transition towards low carbon development and a sustainable energy sector for the country.
Energiegewinnung in Tschernobyl: Strahlender Solarpark
January 28, 2018
Neben der AKW-Ruine in Tschernobyl entsteht mit deutscher Hilfe ein erster Solarpark. Weitere sollen folgen. Das gefällt nicht allen. Source: Energiegewinnung in Tschernobyl: Strahlender Solarpark
EU’s eastern half slow to join wind and solar revolution
March 22, 2017
Renewable energy advocates are hailing the beginning of a new era for wind and solar power, which are finally becoming competitive at market prices with the advent of the latest generation of technologies. Source: bne IntelliNews – EU’s eastern half sl