EBRD Policy officer
Email: ninalesikhina [at] bankwatch.orgTel.: +420 777 995 515
Nina joined Bankwatch in 2019 as a Community Support Coordinator. She holds Master’s degrees in Environmental Science (Murmansk State Humanitarian University, Russia) and Environmental Policy (Central European University, Hungary). She has extensive experience in public advocacy campaigning on energy, climate change, waste, and chemicals management in Russia and globally.
More from Nina Lesikhina
In a series of video tutorials, we demonstrate tools civil society organisations and activists from Uzbekistan can use to have a say about projects supported by development banks that may affect their communities and the environment.
Rather than helping Uzbekistan realize its renewable potential, the Asian Development Bank’s programs there are undermining global climate goals.
The EBRD’s accountability mechanism has launched a problem-solving initiative to negotiate issues of affordable housing, access to education and income generation for the Roma families that were evicted from the Vinča landfill. In the two years since the eviction, these issues were not addressed, so the EBRD’s mediators will facilitate a problem-solving process between this vulnerable group and the city of Belgrade.
International civil society urges the Uzbek government and development banks to support the registration of the trade union in a joint statement released today, as workers organising the union are met with threats.
As the unfolding political crisis engulfs the streets of Yerevan, recent developments at the Bern Convention and EBRD portent a rocky future for the Amulsar project.