Changing lives and doing no harm
February 8, 2019
“We invest in changing lives” is the slogan of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, whose investments in 2018 reached EUR 9.5 billion through 395 projects. Whether the change is for better depends on the bank’s environmental and human rights safeguards.
Shuakhevi Compliance Review
December 12, 2018
In view of the considerable public resources invested in the Shuakhevi HPP project and in view of the negative impacts on local people’s safety and livelihoods, as well on local resources needed for sustainable development of the Adjara region and Geor
More efforts from the EBRD required to mainstream gender in Kyrgyzstan
September 26, 2018
It appears the EBRD funds are prioritised on the first-need service basis rather than the long-term strategy goals identified by the EBRD in both the public transportation and water sectors.
Gender inclusion in the EBRD public transport and water projects in southern Kyrgyzstan
September 20, 2018
The research team has conducted a survey that was focused on gender inclusion in the EBRD funded public transport and water projects in Osh, the second largest city in Kyrgyz Republic. The outcome of this publication revealed that the bank’s objectives
Nenskra complaint to the European Investment Bank
June 1, 2018
In our opinion, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has failed to comply with the Standard 7 by not respecting the status of Svans as indigenous peoples. The Bank did not fulfill its environmental and social standards: it ignored the project’s significa
Request to the EBRD’s PCM on the Nenskra hydropower project
May 30, 2018
The conclusions of the EBRD’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) are not guided by detailed field work and focus group research with the affected communities – indigenous Svans, nor are they based on the robust and objective analysis of
The Baganuur women affected by coal burning
March 6, 2018
The coal industry continues to negatively impact the local population and environment soothing the public with a false promise for reliable and affordable energy. The damaging influence is especially prominent for the women of Baganuur.