Biodiversity on the brink: what’s holding back financing for nature?
October 5, 2022
Simply put, the significant potential of EU funding is not being used for nature, and this must change.
Prymnezyna to nie winny, tylko narzędzie. Kto zabił Odrę? Czyli jak uniknąć podobnej katastrofy w przyszłości
September 27, 2022
Nie mają racji ci, którzy wskazują glony jako naturalnych sprawców mordu na Odrze. Złote algi (Prymnesium parvum) to zaledwie narzędzie …
It’s time for the European Commission to act and protect the Kresna Gorge biodiversity sanctuary
September 16, 2022
After years of trying to use EU funds to build a motorway through a Natura 2000 zone, Bulgaria now has a chance to spend EU money to counter the increasing traffic in Kresna Gorge and protect its biodiversity.
The construction of hydropower plants in the Western Balkans will be increasingly difficult and risky
August 15, 2022
Photo illustration: Unsplash (Marcus Ganahl)
Analiza: Izgradnja hidroelektrana na Balkanu biće sve teža i rizičnija
August 11, 2022
Projekte gradnje novih hidroelektrana u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana biće sve teže realizovati u budućnosti zbog kliamtskih promena, …
Capacity-Building Workshops in Just Transition Regions
August 10, 2022
The manual aims to provide an easy-to-use and concise overview of the main issues that have to be addressed when organising capacity-building workshops in just transition regions. It also includes a practical checklist that can be used to organise such events.
U Srbiji nepovratno uništeno više od 300 km reka
August 4, 2022
Iako je početkom godine Vlada Republike Srbije donela odluku da će naknada koju plaća krajnji potrošač za podsticaj povlašćenih proizvođača …
EIB više neće finansirati projekte hidroenergije preko posrednika
August 2, 2022
EIB je dala najmanje 27 kredita za hidroelektrane preko finansijskih posrednika u regiji od 2010. godine.
More Harm than Good: The Misuse of European Biodiversity Funds
August 2, 2022
Supported by EU funding, local municipalities are carrying out projects involving the removal of trees and the degradation of natural …
EIB moves to curb intermediated hydropower financing
July 29, 2022
The EU’s house bank has recently updated its exclusion list, a document detailing what kind of projects it will not finance. This finally closes a long-standing loophole allowing ill-suited intermediaries to finance hydropower projects.