It’s time for the European Commission to act and protect the Kresna Gorge biodiversity sanctuary
September 16, 2022
After years of trying to use EU funds to build a motorway through a Natura 2000 zone, Bulgaria now has a chance to spend EU money to counter the increasing traffic in Kresna Gorge and protect its biodiversity.
Energy communities: A brief explainer for managing authorities in central and eastern Europe
May 4, 2022
This briefing from Bankwatch and explains the concept of energy communities and their wide range of benefits. It gives an insight into how their development can be supported at the national and local levels and why Member States should make use of the variety of EU funding streams to support energy communities. It also highlights EU legal definitions and suggests concrete recommendations on how to support them and overcome existing challenges.
How to win energy sovereignty and avoid a gas trap in Poland
April 11, 2022
Poland’s energy policy has to change urgently in the face of the war in Ukraine. EU funds must finance Poland’s transformation for energy security and sustainability. There is no return to the business as usual when it comes to energy policy.
Assessment of the Estonian operational programme
March 2, 2022
This briefing offers an analysis of the Estonian operational programme and recommendations regarding the potential for increasing the programme’s climate contribution.
Commission to extend flexibility of EU aid as disparities persist
February 11, 2022
The European Commission will extend looser rules introduced at the onset of the pandemic for EU structural funds spending in an effort to help reduce disparities across the bloc, regional policy Commissioner Elisa Ferreira announced on Thursday (10 February).
Progress with EU recovery fund hampered by fossil fuels investments and threats to nature
February 4, 2022
Genuine efforts by Member States to direct spending from the EUR 672 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility towards climate action are being undermined by investments that are likely to harm the environment and climate, finds a new report by CAN Europe and CEE Bankwatch Network.
Analiza zelenih naložb v okviru načrta za okrevanje in odpornost
February 4, 2022
Najnovejše poročilo organizacij CAN Europe in CEE Bankwatch Network z naslovom »Reaching for a Green Recovery« ugotavlja, da države v 672 …
Patru ONG-uri de protecţie a mediului au cerut Ministerului Energiei creşterea investiţiilor în sursele de energie regenerabilă
February 3, 2022
Reprezentanţii a patru ONG-uri de protecţie a mediului au organizat o acţiune de protest, joi, în faţa Ministerului Energiei, solicitând …
In Czechia, dubious projects funded from covid support
February 3, 2022
Inflation is all over the news in Czechia these days. The prices of electricity, housing, goods and services are on the rise. One of the reasons behind this is the government’s excessive spending. While some of the budget items have been openly discussed, others are hidden to the public. One example is the COVID Plus state aid programme worth billions of Czech crowns for large export companies.
V EU skladu za okrevanje naložbe v ogrožanje narave
February 3, 2022
Evropsko računsko sodišče ugotavlja, da Slovenija dodeli več subvencij za fosilna goriva kot pa za energijo iz obnovljivih virov