More billions for fossil fuels overshadows European development bank’s climate pledges
December 11, 2017
Despite commitments to help address the climate crisis, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development awarded fossil fuel projects EUR 4.05 billion between 2010 and 2016 – more than double its support for renewable energy during the same period.
Energy lending at the EBRD: Fossil fuels up, renewables down
December 11, 2017
What’s going on with the Green Economy Transition at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development?
Six reasons for not financing the Nenskra hydropower project in Georgia
December 5, 2017
This briefing outlines the main issues with the Nenskra hydropower project shortly before both the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank will decide on financing the project.
Nenskra HPP poses possible threat to Georgian biodiversity hot spot
December 4, 2017
In January 2016 the Georgian government decided to exclude from the Bern Convention’s candidate Emerald Site “Svaneti 1” all territories that are part of the valleys of the Nenskra and Nakra rivers which are relevant for the construction of the Nenksra
Price tag of Georgia’s Nenskra dam goes through the roof
December 4, 2017
New information reveals the disproportionate price that Georgia’s government guarantees to pay for electricity from the Nenskra dam. The increasingly unfavourable economics strengthen calls to finally make the project’s contract publicly available.
Europe’s murky Eastern energy deals
November 24, 2017
Millions of euros in public money are being invested in large infrastructure projects in the EU’s eastern neighbours in total disregard for Europe’s climate goals, and local communities, writes Manana Kochladze.
Communities in Chuberi and Nakra, Georgia, address financiers of Nenskra hydropower plant
November 23, 2017
In this letter, communities affected by the Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia, explain the project promoter’s inadequate engagement with locals and ask the international financial institutions to stop considering financing the project. More than 100
Comments on the EBRD’s draft Extractive Mining Industries Strategy for 2018-2022
November 20, 2017
Bankwatch’s comments focus on the following areas: Sustainability and the Circular Economy, Transparency Standards, Human Rights, Coal Mining and Climate, Diversification, Resilience and Integration. See also our comments on Thermal and coking coal in
The great gas lock-in – industry lobbying is behind the EU push for new gas infrastructure
October 31, 2017
A new report from Corporate Europe Observatory shows why the fire-power of the gas industry makes it a powerful and effective lobbying force in Brussels and national capitals. Meanwhile, public interest groups have a fraction of the resources and access.
Major European loan to controversial Azerbaijani gas pipeline risks fuelling corruption, human rights abuse and climate change
October 18, 2017
A USD 500 million loan approved today by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the construction of the Trans Anatolian Pipeline is set to benefit, among others, state-owned companies in Azerbaijan and Turkey.