Joint CSO letter on the TEN-E regulation: Stop the expansion of fossil gas
June 1, 2021
This advocacy letter aims to express civil society organisations’ concerns on the reintroduction of fossil gas in the revised trans-European infrastructure energy (TEN-E) regulation. Bankwatch and 53 other CSOs ask governments to vote against the incl
Billions of EU recovery money to support fossil fuels
May 31, 2021
Several EU states plan to use the EUR 672 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility to expand fossil gas infrastructure using loopholes in the fund’s regulations. These proposals do not comply with objectives of the European Green Deal and recent recommendations from the International Energy Agency to end funding for fossil fuels, warns CEE Bankwatch Network.
The role of gas in the recovery and resilience plans
May 31, 2021
This briefing analyses plans for gas investments in the recovery plans of eight central and eastern European countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia). It reveals that most contain gas investments,
Zeleně, ale smysluplně. Ekodotace budou celistvější
May 27, 2021
Na zlepšení životního prostředí v Česku šlo v minulém období z EU přes 370 miliard korun. Unie nyní zjednoduší pravidla čerpání. Chce také …
Assessment of Bulgaria’s recovery and resilience plan
May 21, 2021
This briefing provides an overview of Bulgaria’s proposed measures (as of 16 April) for spending funds from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. Although the plan proposes some positive measures for the environment and climate, it also includes i
Last call for EU bank to uphold UN treaty on transparency
May 19, 2021
For too long, transparency and public participation have been a low priority for the European Investment Bank (EIB). Now it appears the world’s largest international lender is even in breach of international environmental law on access to information and public participation.
Assessment of the Czech Republic’s recovery and resilience plan
May 7, 2021
This briefing provides an overview of the Czech Republic’s proposed measures (as of 9 April) for spending funds from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. The Czech recovery plan includes a number of measures supporting the energy efficiency and d
Slovenský plán obnovy je založený na zastaraných klimatických cieľoch, upozorňujú aktivisti
May 6, 2021
Analýza skupiny Bankwatch upozorňuje, že slovenský plán obnovy je založený na zastaraných klimatických cieľoch vyplývajúcich z národného …
A Helyreállítási Terv nem szolgálja Magyarország fenntarthatósági fordulatát
April 30, 2021
A Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége szerint a járvány utáni gazdasági helyreállítást szolgáló több milliárdos terv nem fogja alapvetően …
How to spend it: CEE’s NextGenerationEU submissions reflect the past
April 29, 2021
Government proposals for the EU coronavirus recovery fund are due in on Friday. Most Central and Southeast European countries won’t meet …