Poland’s Just Transition declaration is a fata morgana
December 1, 2018
Katowice – At the UN climate summit (COP 24) it is hosting, Poland has invited heads of state to adopt a ministerial Solidarity and Just Transition Declaration [1], calling for a fair deal to coal workers and communities affected by the energy transition. But the Polish government has no plans for any such transition – instead it remains keen to keep the country’s reliance on coal for decades to come. The Declaration is therefore nothing more than a mirage.
Just transition in Bulgaria – mission possible for Maritsa Iztok energy complex?
November 23, 2018
Reflecting the European trend for phasing out highly polluting fuels like coal, this preliminary analysis outlines options for a just energy transition in the broad region surrounding the heart of Bulgarian coal energy – Maritsa Iztok energy complex in
Lessons learned from Germany’s 20-year experiment in energy transformation
November 19, 2018
Germany pioneered broad support measures for renewable energy by the late 1990s. These measures, referred to as Energiewende or ‘energy transformation’, offer a valuable insight for other countries, which introduced support mechanisms for renewable energy later or have not done so yet.
Comments on the EBRD Draft Energy Sector Strategy
November 16, 2018
On 8 October the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Special Report “Global Warming of 1.5oC”. The report warned that at the current level of climate commitments the world is on course for a disastrous 3 degrees Celsius of
Leaked World Bank report depicts Georgia’s Nenskra hydropower project as major liability
November 14, 2018
Successive international analyses have cast serious doubts over the financial viability of the planned Nenskra plant. While the Georgian government keeps the project’s contract confidential, a leaked World Bank report offers a scathing account of the fiscal implications of this hydropower development.
EBRD confirms it will not finance New Kosovo coal plant
November 13, 2018
Following the World Bank’s recent statement [1] that it will not provide support for the 500 MW New Kosovo coal power plant, the EBRD has now followed suit by confirming that it is not considering support for the project.
Carbon sleight of hand continues at Czech coal giant
November 12, 2018
The quasi state-owned Czech energy company ČEZ is up to its old tricks again. It celebrates a 30 % reduction in emissions, praising the public free allowances, and conveniently forgets to link the drop in emissions with the sale of some of its largest power plants.
Romania’s energy transition: to be or not to be
November 1, 2018
Facing numerous economic and environmental challenges, Romania’s energy industry needs a coherent, sustainable and stable action plan that prioritises transparency in decision-making and consultation of all involved. On 17 October, to identify the necessary measures, Bankwatch Romania organised a workshop titled Opportunities for transition to clean energy in Romania.
Controversial dam project in Georgia abandoned by constructor
October 30, 2018
Already mired by controversy, the billion dollar Nenskra hydropower plant is now facing another major hurdle as the company contracted to realize the project is now leaving it.
Bursting bubbles: greens and geeks of the world, unite!
October 26, 2018
In the age of fake news, providing fact-based arguments in environmental campaigns is crucial. Bankwatch has reached out to the technology-savvy community, to bring more robustness to the narrative.