New Kosovo power plant – an expensive and outdated anomaly in a decarbonising world
June 19, 2018
After years of delay, the New Kosovo lignite power plant took a step forward in 2017 with the signing of commercial contracts. However, numerous old issues, including carbon emissions, resettlement, and the dubious single-bidder procurement process, ha
Why is Kosovo going ahead with a lignite coal power plant that is extremely expensive and dangerous to health?
February 13, 2018
Toxins in the air have reached “hazardous” levels in Pristina, Kosovo, last week. A ban on cars is welcome. But the real problem is the lignite coal plants nearby. So why is the Kosovo government, the US and the World Bank all supporting yet another ne
As pollution blankets Pristina, so do protests
January 31, 2018
Hundreds of people fed up of breathing polluted air have joined a protest in Pristina, Kosovo earlier today.
Balkan governments unprepared for new EU pollution rules
August 17, 2017
New EU rules entering into force today, to limit pollution from power plants, will also apply in most Western Balkan countries. But the region’s governments are so far acting like they don’t exist.
Planned coal power plants in the Western Balkans versus EU pollution standards
June 14, 2017
The new reference document on Best Available Techniques for Large Combustion Plants (LCP BREF) and its implications for new coal. Available languages: ENG – download pdf BiH – Planirane termoelektrane na ugalj u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana nasuprot stand
Planned coal power in the Balkans will breach new EU pollution standards – analysis
June 14, 2017
Almost none of the new coal power plants planned in the Western Balkans will meet new, stricter EU pollution standards, according to a new analysis by CEE Bankwatch Network, released today.
Western Balkans are massively expanding coal power – but the new plants may have to be closed again soon
March 29, 2017
Plans for new lignite power plants in Western Balkan countries do not take into account the effect of CO2 prices, according to a new Bankwatch study. As a result, the plants risk becoming uncompetitive in the future, with taxpayers footing the bill.
Carbon costs for planned coal power plants in the Western Balkans and the risk of stranded assets
March 29, 2017
This briefing analyses ten coal-fired power plant projects across the Western Balkans and finds that, once the cost of carbon emissions allowances are factored in, they could become a serious liability for both the companies involved and the public.
Overlooked carbon costs could turn Western Balkans’ new coal power plants into white elephants – analysis
March 29, 2017
A new Bankwatch analysis examining ten coal-fired power plant projects across the Western Balkans finds that, once the cost of carbon emissions allowances are factored in, they could become a serious liability for both the companies involved and the public. Moreover, only a few feasibility assessments for coal power plants in the region are publicly available, and most of those have failed to properly take carbon costs into account, the briefing authors note.
[Campaign update] World Bank non-compliant with its own resettlement policies in Kosovo
December 19, 2016
The World Bank has this week published the Investigation Report of its Inspection Panel for the involuntary resettlement of residents in the village of Hade near Pristina in Kosovo. The investigation, undertaken following a complaint by current and for