Environmentalists, get your keyboards ready: The European Investment Bank asks for inputs on its energy policy
October 11, 2012
With annually more than ten billion euros of investments in the energy sector, the EIB can have a tremendous influence on our energy future. If we want the bank to help us “get it right”, the time for providing inputs is now.
Continued EU budget battle could sacrifice clean energy investments and clog economic recovery
September 25, 2012
Continued debates about a reduction of the future EU budget jeopardise the potential of using EU funds for energy efficiency and renewables investments to provide necessary economic stimulus and climate mitigation.
The devil in the details: Europe’s low-carbon economy dream
August 17, 2012
The increasing popularity of a ‘low-carbon economy’ rhetoric calls for robust assessments of the carbon intensity of EU funded projects. Otherwise the potential that lies in the concept may get diluted by conflicting interests.
The struggle for a green Cohesion Policy has only just begun
December 1, 2011
While the potential of green investments is undeniable, statements from EU decision makers don’t paint the rosiest picture for a climate friendly Cohesion Policy 2014-2020.