Novi ugalj na Balkanu – Zbogom zaštiti klime?
May 5, 2018
Građani će plaćati i novcem i zdravljem ako se ostane pri planovima za gradnju novih termoelektrana, a BiH će ostati među zemaljama sa najzagađenijim zrakom na svijetu, upozorili su stručnjaci na diskusiji u Berlinu. Source: Novi ugalj na Balkanu – Zbo
Slovakia: Platform for Coal Regions in Transition could benefit coal company instead of communities
April 30, 2018
Bratislava – Today was the last day when actors from the Upper Nitra region in Slovakia could submit projects on the topic of regional development, to be supported by the Slovak government in cooperation with the European Commission.
Chinese banks move into Bosnian power sector
April 17, 2018
Balkan coal projects are expanding under the Belt and Road banner “Miners don’t say good day, we say good luck,” says Hata Muratović Hasanspahić, standing at the door to a concrete elevator shaft that carries her 300 metres below ground each day. Hata
Planned Gacko II lignite plant in Bosnia-Herzegovina likely to make losses, shows new analysis
April 12, 2018
Our colleagues from the Center for Environment from Banja Luka have today published a new analysis of the feasibility study for the planned Gacko II lignite power plant in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which shows that the new plant is likely to be unprofitable.
Mongolia 2.0
March 27, 2018
Only recently Mongolia was known as the biggest nomadic country in the world. Today, it is struggling to move past it.
Mounting pressure to revoke permit for the planned thermal power plant Ugljevik III
March 21, 2018
In contrast to the global trend of decreasing coal from the energy mix, the Western Balkan countries are stubbornly planning a whole fleet of new lignite plants, most of which are plagued by breaches of environmental laws. The latest case in point is the planned 600MW Ugljevik III.
The Baganuur women affected by coal burning
March 6, 2018
The coal industry continues to negatively impact the local population and environment soothing the public with a false promise for reliable and affordable energy. The damaging influence is especially prominent for the women of Baganuur.
Protests spread in Western Balkans along with air pollution
February 19, 2018
Community organisations across the region are fed up with worsening air quality and are taking their grievances to the streets
They warn of the risks of coal-fired thermoelectric plants
February 18, 2018
Bankwatch Network, una red de protección del medioambiente y derechos humanos, advierte el peligro de las centrales de carbón. Source: They warn of the risks of coal-fired thermoelectric plants
Why is Kosovo going ahead with a lignite coal power plant that is extremely expensive and dangerous to health?
February 13, 2018
Toxins in the air have reached “hazardous” levels in Pristina, Kosovo, last week. A ban on cars is welcome. But the real problem is the lignite coal plants nearby. So why is the Kosovo government, the US and the World Bank all supporting yet another ne