Crnogorske male hidrocentrale suprotne konvencijama i pravu EU
November 20, 2018
Mnogi od 80 hidroenergetskih projekata za koje su crnogorske institucije dale dozvole nisu u skladu sa međunarodnim konvencijama ili zakonodavstvom Evropske unije, pa je neophodno da ti projekti budu revidirani, ocjenjuje se u predlogu rezolucije Evrop
Western Balkans power sector future scenarios and the EBRD
November 16, 2018
The Western Balkans, as a region that represents both a post-Socialist economy and EU accession region, can benefit greatly from up-to-date insights by the EBRD on how to move its energy transition forward more rapidly. Its decision-makers have not yet
Leaked World Bank report depicts Georgia’s Nenskra hydropower project as major liability
November 14, 2018
Successive international analyses have cast serious doubts over the financial viability of the planned Nenskra plant. While the Georgian government keeps the project’s contract confidential, a leaked World Bank report offers a scathing account of the fiscal implications of this hydropower development.
Rivers of the Balkans: the siege
November 5, 2018
Thousands of dams are planned for the rivers and streams of south-eastern Europe, and their environmental and social impact could prove devastating Source: Rivers of the Balkans: the siege
Controversial dam project in Georgia abandoned by constructor
October 30, 2018
Already mired by controversy, the billion dollar Nenskra hydropower plant is now facing another major hurdle as the company contracted to realize the project is now leaving it.
Kad se čiste vode zamute
October 19, 2018
Vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine neodgovorno se odnose prema jednom od osnovnih ljudskih prava i najvažnijih prirodnih resursa naše zemlje – vodi. Source: Kad se čiste vode zamute
Albanie «Avec cette hydrocentrale, je perdrais tout»
September 27, 2018
Le petit Etat des Balkans est l’un des rares pays européens à conserver ses cours d’eau intacts, telle la rivière Vjosa. Une manne convoitée par les compagnies d’hydroélectricité qui veulent y implanter des barrages, mais entre les agriculteurs refusan
In the Balkans, clean energy needn’t have a dark side – Energy Transition
September 25, 2018
The global transition to clean energy is upending markets, social structures, laws, and much more that falls outside of the traditional energy sector. Since we’re all relatively new at it, it’s cri… Source: In the Balkans, clean energy needn’t have a d
Foto La battaglia per salvare i Balcani dalle dighe
September 14, 2018
Nei Balcani gli ultimi fiumi selvaggi d’Europa sono a rischio a causa dell’industria idroelettrica. Conseguenze ambientali importanti, ritorni economici dubbi e non a vantaggio delle comunità locali hanno dato vita a una campagna di denuncia internazio
Inicijativa Odbranimo reke Stare planine organizuje protest u Pirotu protiv gradnje MHE u zaštićenim područjima
August 28, 2018
Inicijativa Odbranimo reke Stare planine u nedelju u 17 sati u Pirotu organizuje protest protiv gradnje malih hidroelektrana (MHE) u zaštićenim područjima, na kojem će ponoviti dva svoja zahteva – da se obriše 58 malih elektrana iz Prostornog plana Opš