Lessons learned from Germany’s 20-year experiment in energy transformation
November 19, 2018
Germany pioneered broad support measures for renewable energy by the late 1990s. These measures, referred to as Energiewende or ‘energy transformation’, offer a valuable insight for other countries, which introduced support mechanisms for renewable energy later or have not done so yet.
Western Balkans power sector future scenarios and the EBRD
November 16, 2018
The Western Balkans, as a region that represents both a post-Socialist economy and EU accession region, can benefit greatly from up-to-date insights by the EBRD on how to move its energy transition forward more rapidly. Its decision-makers have not yet
EBRD renewable investments finally matched its fossil fuel investments in 2017 – So why is the bank’s draft Energy Strategy still fixated with gas?
October 15, 2018
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has recently issued a new draft Energy Strategy for public consultation that will define its activities in the energy sector from 2019-2023. It clearly commits to halt all direct financing for coal p
Over 120,000 petition development banks to Save the Blue Heart of Europe and drop destructive hydropower in the Balkans
June 21, 2018
London, Prague, Radolfzell, Vienna – Representatives from the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign to save Europe’s last remaining wild rivers [1] handed in a petition endorsed globally by more than 120,000 people, calling on international development banks to rein in financial support for hydropower projects in the Balkans.
Comments on the existing EBRD Energy Sector Strategy from 2013
February 27, 2018
Bankwatch reviewed the EBRD’s energy lending during the strategy period and used this lens to look at the text of the bank’s 2013 Energy Strategy: what needs to be continued and strengthened and what needs to be changed. The focus is on priority issues
Energy lending at the EBRD: Fossil fuels up, renewables down
December 11, 2017
What’s going on with the Green Economy Transition at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development?
Europe’s energy citizens are on the rise – if we let them
November 6, 2017
Small-scale renewable energy sources are being built all over Europe. Examples from the Czech Republic show that their success depends on adjusting them to the local environment and making sources for financing, such as EU funding, more accessible.
The winners and losers of climate action at the European Investment Bank
May 18, 2017
This analysis of the bank’s climate action is based on the climate action database disclosed by the EIB. The database includes projects which were signed in 2016 and classified in line with the methodology approved by the bank in its Climate Strategy.
Mongolia’s energy sector: time for a rethink
May 3, 2017
This report is meant as a background document for civil society in Mongolia and international groups to advocate for increased transparency and participation in priority energy projects; improved forecasts of power demand and alternatives for the sus
Ukraine’s addiction to nuclear energy poses a decades-long threat to Europe
February 2, 2017
Despite an urgent need to rebuild and reshape its highly inefficient and outdated energy sector, Ukraine has recently presented a draft of its new energy strategy that looks more like of the same. While the strategy makes mention of modern renewable en