Western Balkan countries invest more than twice as much in coal as in wind power: new Bankwatch analysis
May 26, 2016
Western Balkan countries are planning investments in wind power, but these are being heavily outweighed by their investments in coal plants, according to a CEE Bankwatch Network analysis launched today. The region’s governments are actively planning 2800 MW of new coal plants but allowing only around 1166 MW of wind power plants to be built.
Slovakia’s EU funds spending plans: finance for the energy transition – where’s it at?
February 5, 2016
Slovakia has missed the opportunity to use the EUR 14 billion of Cohesion spending to transform its largely monopolistic, heavily state influenced energy economy with its high dependence on imported fossil fuels and high carbon intensity.
Croatia’s EU funds spending plans: Land of unfulfilled clean energy potential
February 4, 2016
EU funds could do a whole lot more to help the transformation to an efficient sustainable energy system in Croatia if the country adopts an effective strategy to get there, argues our research co-ordinator, Pippa Gallop.
EU funds spending plans in Hungary: the dark side is in the details
February 2, 2016
Hungary allocates a relatively high amount of EU Funds to energy but an in-depth analysis shows a lack of direct, non-refundable support in renovation of residential buildings, significant finance for burning instead of preventing waste and potentially unsustainable use of biomass.
What EU money can’t buy: Poland’s green energy transition just out of reach
January 26, 2016
Billions of euros of European funds will be invested in Poland between 2014 and 2020 under the heading of sustainable development and climate action. But without sound strategies and political will to decarbonise its economy, Europe’s biggest coal addict is set to waste the transformative potential of EU money – and Brussels is letting it happen.
Romania and the Energy Union: little more than wishful thinking
January 14, 2016
When Maroš Šefčovič, the Commission’s Vice President for the Energy Union visited Bucharest in October 2015 to discuss Romania’s role in the overhaul of Europe’s energy sector, his speech seemed promising at first. It focused on renewables, energy efficiency and research and innovation – all issues that are rarely on the Romanian public agenda. But eventually, much like the Commission’s assessment for Romania (pdf) that was presented during the visit, the message and its level of ambition felt more like much ado about nothing.
9 reasons why the EU’s bank is no climate leader
December 17, 2015
In the run-up to, during and now, with a global deal reached, after the Paris climate summit, the world’s largest public lender, the European Investment Bank (EIB), is positioning itself as a climate pioneer. But is the bank really fit for this role? Can the EIB make a break from its history of financing fossil fuels and polluting forms of transportation after decades of cosy relations with the biggest culprits?
Šefčovič’s underwhelming outlook for the Energy Union’s role in the energy transition
December 1, 2015
On 20 November 2015, following the presentation of the first State of the Energy Union, Vice-President Šefčovič hosted a Twitter Chat. Also several Bankwatchers joined the discussion. Here are some points we found noteworthy.
EU gives neighbours three times more funding for fossil fuels than renewables
November 19, 2015
Financing from the EU’s development funds to its neighbours far higher for fossil fuels than for renewables, report finds
‘EU geeft buurtlanden 3 keer meer financiering voor fossiel dan voor hernieuwbaar’
November 19, 2015
UTRECHT – De Europese Unie geeft buurlanden 3 keer meer subsidie voor energieprojecten met fossiele brandstoffen dan voor groene-energieprojecten. Dit stelt CCE Bankwatch Network, een Oost-Europese ngo die investeringen in groen en fossiel in de gaten houdt. De organisatie keek naar investeringsovereenkomsten tussen Europese instituten en de energiesector van 16 aangrenzende landen van de EU. In totaal financierde de Europese Unie 9 miljard euro aan energieprojecten bij buurlanden in het oosten en het zuiden tussen 2007 en 2014. Retoriek