Narrow road ahead: the energy crisis in Kosovo in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
June 24, 2022
Kosovo, almost entirely reliant on coal for its energy, has nevertheless been hard-hit by the ongoing energy crisis. What steps should the country take to address this, and at the same time end its reliance on fossil fuels?
EBRD draft strategy rules out support for Kosovo coal-fired power plant
November 14, 2018
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has issued a draft energy sector strategy that it will not finance coal projects, it said on Wednesday, following a statement by an environmental group that the international lender is not con
Edhe një bankë ndërkombëtare i thotë ‘Jo’ Termocentralit ‘Kosova e Re’
November 13, 2018
Pas deklaratës së Bankës Botërore se nuk do të ofrojë mbështetje për termocentralin ‘Kosova e Re’ edhe Banka Evropiane për Ndërtim dhe Zhvillim (BERZh) tani e ka konfirmuar se nuk është duke shqyrtuar mbështetjen për këtë projekt, raporton Bankwatch Ne
BERZH-i përsërit se nuk e financon “Kosovën e Re”
November 13, 2018
Pak kohë pasi Banka Botërore njoftoi se nuk do ta mbështesë termocentralin “Kosova e Re”, Banka Evropiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim ka përsëritur se nuk e konsideron projektin. Source: BERZH-i përsërit se nuk e financon “Kosovën e Re”
EBRD confirms it will not finance New Kosovo coal plant
November 13, 2018
Following the World Bank’s recent statement [1] that it will not provide support for the 500 MW New Kosovo coal power plant, the EBRD has now followed suit by confirming that it is not considering support for the project.
As pollution blankets Pristina, so do protests
January 31, 2018
Hundreds of people fed up of breathing polluted air have joined a protest in Pristina, Kosovo earlier today.
Guest post: New report shows that New Kosovo Power Plant would worsen poverty and cripple a fragile economy
January 12, 2016
No-one will ‘freeze to death’ if the planned lignite-fired power plant in Kosovo does not receive support from multilateral development banks, but if it does, low-income households may well end up choosing between electricity and food. How can an institution, whose very mission is to end poverty, justify this project?
Kosovo aims to secure largest ever investment amid political crisis
November 26, 2015
Pristina is moving towards a deal with US-based ContourGlobal on the planned Kosova e Re power plant, which at a cost of €1bn will be the largest investment in the country’s history. The government says the project will solve Kosovo’s chronic electricity shortages by replacing the aging Kosova A thermal power plant – considered Europe’s worst polluter – with a modern 500MW plant. However, the strong opposition to the plans to build a new coal-fired power plant close to the capital could add to the ongoing unrest within Kosovo.
Where’s Plan B for Kosovo’s energy sector?
March 20, 2014
Ideas about the construction of a new lignite power plant in Kosovo have existed since the end of the 1980s, and even the current Kosova e Re proposal – scaled down to 600 MW from the original 2100 MW – has been around since 2009. It is being touted by the Kosovo government, the World Bank, USAID and the European Commission among others as the only realistic option to replace the ageing and heavily polluting Kosovo A power plant.