Cities for citizens
June 15, 2020
To modernise and green our cities, we need good governance first.
The Balkans are decarbonising, why aren’t Serbia and Bosnia?
June 4, 2020
Despite this deadly legacy, just two years ago, all the Western Balkan countries except Albania still planned to build new coal power plants. Since then, three out of five have abandoned these plans. The region has split, creating a two-speed energy transition.
Polish government urged to include municipalities, civil society in planning future of coal regions
June 1, 2020
Warsaw – As the Polish government is gearing up to prepare plans for the transformation of coal regions that would allow it to tap a 40 billion euro Just Transition Fund made available by Brussels, local municipalities and civil society demand to be included in the planning process.
Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny „bankiem klimatycznym”? Zielona agenda z potężnymi pieniędzmi
May 29, 2020
W swoim planie działania na lata 2021–25, Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny – zdaniem propagatorów tzw. zielonej transformacji – powinien wyeliminować wsparcie na inwestycje niskoemisyjne we wszystkich sektorach i zmusić pośredników do przestrzegania klima
Ailing Romanian Coal Region Sees New Hope in EU Green Deal
May 29, 2020
After decades of failed restructuring, Romania’s Jiu Valley is finally looking to a future beyond coal. Source : Ailing Romanian Coal Region Sees New Hope in EU Green Deal
The EBRD and EIB’s Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure Investments in the Western Balkans and Eastern Neighbourhood
May 26, 2020
From October to December 2019, Bankwatch conducted research on CSOs’ perceptions of the impact of EBRD and EIB investments in municipal infrastructure on local communities in the Western Balkans and Eastern Neighbourhood.
Slovene prosecutors file charges over coal plant corruption
May 25, 2020
The long-running saga of Slovenia’s overpriced Šoštanj 6 coal power plant took a dramatic turn last week when Slovene prosecutors filed charges including money laundering against 12 people and two companies. Meanwhile, in 2018, the Šoštanj power plant as a whole generated a net loss of EUR 58.5 million. Why are nearby Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina – both countries that are planning new coal plants – not learning any lessons?
Romanian coal mining supported by ‘illegal state aid’
May 15, 2020
Environmental groups filed a state aid complaint with the European Commission last week claiming that the Romanian government breached EU laws by financially supporting the expansion of coal mines owned by a state-owned power company. Source : Romanian
Estonian government shale oil goals contradict EU agreements
May 12, 2020
24 European civil society organizations have sent an inquiry to the European Commission pointing out that the Estonian government’s plan to expand its shale oil industry contradicts international climate and environmental agreements the government has signed with the European Union.
Wither the money: Czechia must make better use of EU funding to meet EU climate goals
April 22, 2020
On 29 April the European Commission will unveil an updated proposal for the EU’s next long-term budget for 2021-2027, which makes it a good time to evaluate to what extent the current budget is contributing to decarbonisation efforts across Member States.