Pollution caused 136 Premature Deaths in adults in Tuzla in 2018 – Sarajevo Times
June 27, 2019
CEE Bankwatch Network and the Center for Ecology and Energy have therefore undertaken independent monitoring in Tuzla of coarse dust particles known as PM10. “Together with the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), we have also calculated the health
Independent data highlights air pollution crisis in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
June 25, 2019
Dust pollution in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been twice the legal limit on two thirds of monitored days in 2018 and caused over one hundred premature deaths in adults during the year, according to independent new data published today in the report Lifting the Smog [1] by CEE Bankwatch Network, the Health and Environment Alliance – HEAL and the Center for Ecology and Energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Kako se riješiti smoga
June 25, 2019
Koliko bi javno zdravlje Tuzle imalo koristi od provedbe zakonodavstva o kvalitetu zraka CEE Bankwatch Network i Centar za ekologiju i energiju su u Tuzli proveli neovisni monitoring čestica prašine poznate kao PM10. Pored toga smo, na osnovu zvaničnih
Lifting the smog
June 25, 2019
How much Tuzla’s public health would benefit from enforcement of air quality legislation CEE Bankwatch Network and the Center for Ecology and Energy have therefore undertaken independent monitoring in Tuzla of coarse dust particles known as PM10. Toget
Чернобыль и Киев глазами туриста – о хорошем, плохом и неприглядном – новости 2000.ua
June 24, 2019
Чернобыль и Киев глазами туриста – о хорошем, плохом и неприглядном Source: Чернобыль и Киев глазами туриста – о хорошем, плохом и неприглядном – новости 2000.ua
Bankwatch statement on the EU’s 2050 climate neutrality goal and central and eastern European country positions
June 20, 2019
“With Germany now backing the EU’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal, all eyes are on Poland and other countries of central and eastern Europe that have to date refused to back this target because of their reliance on coal.
A false solution to a real problem?
June 14, 2019
New research by Bankwatch shows energy and climate plans (NECPs) in 7 CEE countries over-rely on unsustainable biomass to reach their renewable energy objectives.
Analysis of biomass in NECPs
June 14, 2019
This publication analyses the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) in Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia and these countries’ measures to support forms of wood biomass. The majority of these countries plan logging an
New opportunities for eastern Europe if the EU’s bank ramps up climate ambition and quits fossil fuels
June 13, 2019
Ahead of the European Investment Bank’s annual governors’ meeting, several EU’s finance ministers put forward a joint non-paper “Climate for the future of Europe” with an idea to transform the EIB: make green financing its top priority and promote investments in energy and climate transition. The right initiative risks failing if not supported by the majority of the bank’s shareholders, in particular by the eastern states that wrongfully fear that EIB’s increasing ambition in climate finance will unfavorably impact the bank’s presence in their countries.
Just Transition plan for Slovak coal region Upper Nitra to be aproved today
June 12, 2019
The Upper Nitra regional parliament is today approving a plan for the region’s transition away from coal, which was created by the Slovak government based on inputs from the local community.