[Campaign update] The reality of resettlement in Kolubara: Out of the frying pan into the fire
June 4, 2013
A quick visit to the Kolubara mining basin reveals that the resettlement there looks nothing like the presentation from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Fair treatment is a long time coming at Serbia’s Kolubara lignite mine
May 13, 2013
People from the Kolubara mine basin in Serbia have many stories to tell about the hardships they face due to the lignite mining operations. Serbian Bankwatcher Nikola Perusic adds his account to two stories in the guardian and in Bankwatch Mail 56.
Kyrgyz parliament votes to renegotiate Kumtor gold mine contract
March 7, 2013
In a landmark ruling in late February, the Kyrgyz parliament voted to renegotiate a contract signed in 2009 with the Canadian mining firm Centerra Gold Inc. for the exploitation of the Kumtor gold mine, near the border with China. The 2009 deal is the most recent form of the contract between the Kyrgyz state and Centerra that has had a presence in the central Asian republic since the late nineties.
Constant dripping wears away the stone. Kyrgyz parliament votes to renegotiate Kumtor gold mine contract.
February 21, 2013
Challenging a mining operation that generates about ten percent of GDP in a country and particularly doing so on environmental and social grounds is an intimidating task. But as the example of the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan shows, indefatigability and scientific expertise can persuade decision-makers to defend the interests of a country and its people.
Rio Tinto’s responsibilities in Mongolia extend beyond shareholders
February 15, 2013
New civil society recommendations for the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia illustrate that much more than the bottom line needs to be considered to avoid development at the expense of local communities.
NGOs suggest key recommendations for Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine project in Mongolia
February 15, 2013
The letter, signed by 39 organisations, outlines ongoing concerns about the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in Mongolia, which is currently under consideration for financing by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The project, one of the largest and most complex infrastructure investments proposed by the EBRD, poses a significant environmental and social risk to the local communities, as well as to the country at large.
A useless sham – Review of the Oyu Tolgoi Copper and Gold Mine Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
December 14, 2012
The potentially EBRD supported Oyu Tolgoi copper/gold mine in southern Mongolia project poses significant adverse social and environmental impacts. This in-dept review – based on our own research as well as that of expert reviewers – shows that the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a non-starter and deeply flawed. The study is complemented by detailed expert analyses in five annexes.
New report shows World Bank tough talk on climate is just a mirage in Mongolia’s Gobi desert
December 14, 2012
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – Just one week after its grim warning during the UN climate talks in Doha that the world is on a path towards a four degree-rise in global temperatures, the World Bank is set to approve financing for yet another coal plant. The plant will power a giant mining complex in Mongolia’s South Gobi desert, fuelling climate change and violating the Bank’s own policies, argues a new analysis from advocacy groups.
Новая политика деятельности ЕБРР в горнодобывающем секторе: оценка содержания и консультационный процесс
November 2, 2012
На прошлой неделе без особой огласки увидела свет долгожданная новая Политика деятельности ЕБРР в горнодобывающем секторе. Представители ЕБРР потратили более трех лет на подготовку этого документа, дающего нам надежду на то, что Банк усовершенствует свою деятельность в горнодобывающем секторе. К сожалению, наши надежды по большей части не оправдались.
‘Comments noted’, business as usual continues. The marginal public influence on the EBRD’s new mining policy
November 2, 2012
After long delays and more than 3 years of preparation the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has finally completed and published a policy for its operations in the mining sector. Both the consultation process and the final outcome must leave “the consulted stakeholders” disappointed.